Monday, May 9, 2011

Accomplishments and Cassette Tapes

This week has definitely been about accomplishments big and small.  Its about having the confidence to pull yourself up by the "boot straps", climb into that saddle and do what you have never done before or thought you could do.  The result can be amazing!   It can mean the difference between being in for the ride of your life or sitting on the sidelines and wondering "what if".  I used to always sit and say I wish or what if but now my life is beginning at the dusk of my 38th year on this planet.  Its like Lisa Delaney said in her book "Secrets of a Former Fat Girl", Happiness lives in the Uncomfortable Zone.  I am finding there is truth in that statement. 

I lost two more pounds last week after a three week plateau.  I feel as though my weigh in this week on Wednesday should be good too.  Wish me lots of luck!!  Tuesday is really my last chance workout day a la Biggest Loser.  So tomorrow I will be walking, ballet and boxing.  I am so ready to move on to the next level physically.  I also suffered a little setback this past week.  When I was in my boxing class, I got frustrated that my body is still limited.  Even though I have lost 90 pounds and feel as though the world is mine to conquer, I still have physical limitations as a 200+ pound person.  Mentally I want to do so much more than my physical body will allow just yet.  Patience, Patience, Patience.....

 I walked with my friends Terisa and Jequia from work at the Mother's Day 5K and that was the first time at this event for me.  I really liked it.  I am following a new blog by a woman who has also been through the weight loss journey and now she runs in marathons.  She has a wall fixture that she is hanging medals from her events on that she has displayed on the blog.  At the Mother's Day walk they gave everyone a necklace with a flower charm on it.  I am wearing it proudly as it is my first "medal" and now I want my own medal showcase.  I finished this race in my very best time ever!!!  I completed it in 49.05.  My goal for the last three races were to finish a 5k in less than 50 minutes and now I finally did it!  I paced at a 15.48 minute mile! my Mother's Day 5K-Overland Park-2011 - Overall Results 5K--Searchable Format results    Incredible when I think about it now.  Last year when I participated in the Broadway Bridge 5k event I had a friend at the finish line, this year for the same event, there were lots of people at the finish line and that was so awesome.  For the Mothers Day race I was alone to celebrate my victory but anxiously awaiting the victory of completion for my friends when they crossed the finish.  Sometimes you have to savor the victory as a personal private moment- my "medal" is my reminder of that!   

Before the race ready to go!!
Striking a pose as always!
Terisa and Jequia crossing the finish line!
I feel like overcoming obstacles goes hand in hand with accomplishment!  Getting rid of negative images and thoughts and feeling self worth are now a big part of my journey.  I have lived in the past for a very long time and have replayed a lot of negative thoughts and hurtful words said by others in my head.  Wallowing in self pity and truly just existing.  Think about it... negative words are more hurtful that physical pain and can last for so much longer.  But now I see its if you allow them to.  Sometimes you have to remove yourself from those situations in order to heal and grow.  Like a tired old cassette tape its time to get reprogrammed with 21st Century technology. 

Good Old Cassette Tapes!
Its funny but when I started walking when I weighed over 300 lbs., I used a cassette walkman to walk with!!!  I have a box full of awesome old "hair bands" on cassette that are now relics.  Young children and babies being born now will not even know what a cassette is!  My friend Terisa bought me an MP3 player last year and it was the absolute very best gift I have ever received and it accompanies me on every walk and every race to date.  Too bad you cant upload those cassettes to the MP3!!!  But like many other things, some things are best left to the past. 

Well, I am off to enjoy my days off.  I am looking forward to new experiences that bring much happiness, pleasure and excitement to my life.  It is the only life you get so time to live it now.  I have been sheltered for way too long.  I am excited to share my days off with friends and family this week.  I have cousins in town that I hope to see tomorrow and cousins here in town I havent seen for over a year.  Friends that want to have lunch and other friends who want to get together for crab legs. Have a wonderful week!  The Journey Continues... :)

"We must live as we think, otherwise we shall end up by thinking as we have lived."
– Paul Bourget

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